Whatever it is, it's OK by Audra Kay

whatever it is, it's ok

Upset with myself for not getting on my mat for one whole week.

Dealing with some serious stressors. Feeling achy, stressed and somewhat defeated I ask myself what kind of yogi am I?!

What kind of yogi doesn't do yoga for ONE WHOLE WEEK?!?!

It came to me.... The answers.... What kind of yogi?

The kind who honours the way she is feeling. Who doesn't force herself to do anything she doesn't feel is truly desired or authentic in that moment.

The yogi who has faith and knows that all things pass and she will be back on her mat soon because yoga is an inherent part of her life now.

Then, upon more reflection I realized even more (This excited me!). Yoga isn't all or only about asanas (physical poses)!

It's about the eight limbs written by Patanjali! I realized I DID do yoga every moment of everyday this week!

I did pranayama (breathing exercises), I practiced pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), I practiced dharana (concentration to still the mind).

All of which kept me grounded throughout a week which in the past would have deemed me extremely anxious and fearful.

Yoga is so much more than the twisty poses we see online. It's a practice of mindfulness and attention to our core being.

I am so proud to be a yogi and so tremendously humbled by yoga and the tools it provides for me to cope with everyday life. Grateful, grateful, grateful!

About Audra

My name is Audra Kay. I'm a yoga teacher. I'm also a mother of 4, wife, all levels painting teacher and forever student. I teach various styles of yoga including Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin/Yang, Yin, and Restorative Yoga. Incorporating yogic philosophy, imagery, pranayama (breath work) and movement. I gently encourage my students to explore their limits to achieve strength and balance

to become centered and grounded. My philosophy is simply to be the best that I can be at any given moment, whether that be on the mat or off. To connect with Audra, join her Facebook group Yoga In My Heart.

I'll be back to blogging next week. Look out for guest blogs once a month. If you're interested in writing about yoga, meditation, spirituality, or self-love email me at hienhong@outlook.com

With love,